Book with us the complete technology for your event
We support you with your in-house exhibition:
- Target group definition, planning, organization and implementation
- Checking your infrastructure and concept
- Arrival, parking facilities, ambience on site
- Supporting program with presentations, discussions or workshops
- Catering and physical well-being
- Technology, displays, video conferencing, streaming and simultaneous technology
- Exhibition stands, showrooms, pop-up shows and decoration
- Marketing, mailing, scheduling and invitation management

Carry out successful in-house exhibitions yourself
Events are usually not complicated, but complex. At a regular trade fair, you are relieved of many small individual tasks, often routinely, but often also somewhat lovelessly. Experience and commitment make all the difference. We can help you with this.
From the first in-house exhibition to regular events
Rent, buy, use once, store? Do you want to make a big splash straight away or start small and drive forward the stable establishment of your own format with agile growth? We advise you according to your starting position and goals.
Zeitgeist, diversity and sustainability at your in-house exhibition?
Seize the opportunity for change and modernity. Check your image and reputation, dare to experiment or even take a bold new position –, even on a small scale. An event is the ideal setting for this. Your guests expect and deserve some show and emotion. The in-house exhibition should be worthwhile for you and your visitors.
We will be happy to advise you on any form of in-house event.