Original sound
Recording from the original sound
The original sound is the respective sound that can be heard at a conference in the hall or at a screening of a film. This sound can also be recorded for documentary purposes. In the case of a multilingual conference, the respective language of the speakers and discussion participants is of course also recorded on the tape. (If the interpreters are to be recorded, please read the note under point two). Recordings are usually made on cassette recorders and on DAT recorders, the digital version of a conventional cassette.
Recording interpretation
For copyright reasons, a recording of the interpreting channels is in any case only possible with the prior consent of the interpreters and is subject to a separate contract. Additional costs of up to one third of the interpreter's fee may be incurred. It should also be borne in mind that the oral, momentary performance of an Simultaneous interpreter cannot be equated with the written work of a translator. If, therefore, in addition to the recording of the original sound, that of interpreted languages also takes place, this should primarily serve internal purposes.
Regarding the recording of interpreters, it is best to ask professional Interpreter.
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