Easy language
Easy language is a special form of German that is easier to understand for people with learning difficulties or cognitive impairments - or whose native language is not German and who have difficulty understanding German. The sentences are short and contain only one piece of information. Foreign words are avoided and difficult terms are explained.
Plain language is in Text form can already be found frequently on the websites of ministries, the federal government and other public websites. Here, translators work accordingly.
For video broadcasts, e.g. from meeting rooms, there are also initial offers for live subtitling in plain language by appropriate translators.
It is also increasingly being used as an additional tool for inclusion at meetings and conferences. Language offered. Here, an interpreter interprets simultaneously (at the same time) into plain language. For this purpose, they sit in a soundproof interpreting booth on site or are available remotely from a Interpreting studio switched on (Remote Interpreting). The transmission to the participants takes place, for example, quite simply via Receiver with headphones, via stream or, as described above, via live subtitling.
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