Rent and buy event and conference equipment in Berlin and Munich
Conference technology and event technology of the highest quality has been offered to you since 1995 by the innovative company PCS Konferenztechnik with its four locations in Berlin, Munich, Düsseldorf and Heilbronn.
The company is your partner if you want to rent, buy or have professionally installed conference technology. The support includes the complete conference equipment, event technology and AV media technology. Customers are offered full service in all areas of conference equipment and event technology when renting conference technology. The four locations Berlin, Munich, Düsseldorf and Heilbronn offer a wide range of manufacturers and systems. Of course, the installation and integration of the conference system or event technology is taken into account according to the structural conditions.
Our technicians are happy to work in Berlin, Munich, Düsseldorf, Heilbronn as well as worldwide. The distribution of the technology and the support of events especially for Berlin, Munich and worldwide is gladly taken over by PCS GmbH. Of course, maintenance, repairs and also special designs belong to the services of the company.
Conference equipment rental, event equipment rental
It is possible to rent conference technology as well as media technology, event technology and interpreting technology. The associated support for conference equipment rental is possible through our technicians. The product range starts with a simple microphone and extends to simultaneous interpreting equipment with 32 languages. PCS GmbH will provide you with expert advice to ensure that your event is a success. Discussion systems, interpreting systems, guide systems, TED systems, audio and video technology, as well as audio, video and data streaming can be rented. You can see the technology in detail in Berlin, Munich, Düsseldorf and Heilbronn.
Distribution of high-quality conference and AV media technology by PCS GmbH
In addition to renting conference technology, PCS GmbH offers conference and media systems from renowned professional manufacturers for sale. No matter whether it is a small or a large project, we will be happy to deliver the appropriate technology and install it on request. This is possible at our locations in Berlin, Munich, Düsseldorf or Heilbronn as well as worldwide. Spare parts and accessories also for older devices are gladly delivered.
Special designs, maintenance and repairs of conference equipment, event technology and related equipment
A well-equipped workshop and trained specialist personnel are also available to you after the purchase of the conference technology. Special solutions for installation and distribution are gladly developed and manufactured at PCS Professional Conference Systems GmbH according to the requirements. Of course, the complete service of our technicians is guaranteed for rented equipment technology and solutions. At our four locations in Berlin, Munich, Düsseldorf and Heilbronn we are directly available for you.
Rent conference equipment and install media systems and event technology
The spectrum of PCS GmbH's fields of activity is wide. Thus, conference rooms of any kind, company headquarters, showrooms, meeting rooms, exhibitions, museums, lecture halls, stages, theaters, schools, hotels and studios for video conferencing are equipped with high-quality technology, such as a conference system, by PCS Professional Conference Systems GmbH. An intelligent and energy-saving conference system as well as individual installations can be realized. In construction projects, PCS GmbH is usually already involved in the planning phase of the conference system. Building services and system buses are connected to the conference system.
Support of events as technical service provider worldwide
PCS Professional Conference Systems GmbH began providing simultaneous interpreting services as early as 1995. In the meantime, more than 20,000 such events have been serviced in Berlin, Munich, Düsseldorf, Heilbronn as well as worldwide. A top-class range of technology for conference equipment rental as well as renowned interpreters guarantee optimum benefit for the client.
Training and service for interpreters perfectly implemented
Professional training of any kind, whether for technicians, interpreting services, speakers and managers, as well as personnel from the theater or the restaurant and hotel industry, guarantee the success factor for later appearances. The training department of PCS GmbH will be happy to provide you with comprehensive advice and support. A pleasant and professional training culture is guaranteed.