Accessible events
There are various types of barriers at events. These include spatial barriers such as steps or narrow doors, linguistic-communicative barriers such as a lack of translations or incomprehensible texts, and technical barriers such as poor acoustics or a lack of subtitles. Various aspects need to be taken into account in order to design accessible events. A checklist for planning and implementing accessible events can be found on the Aktion Mensch website.
The Federal Office for Accessibility has also created a practical checklist for planning accessible events as a PDF file. This will help you to plan your event as barrier-free as possible.
A book entitled "Barrier-free events: Basics and practical tips for planning and implementation”, published in 2021, provides an overview of all the key points that need to be considered for accessible events: from the legal basics to planning and implementation. Practical tips and short checklists ensure targeted integration and smooth implementation of accessibility.
What you as an organizer can use and offer your guests:
Two examples in extracts:
The streaming of an event, i.e. the provision of audio and video data of a conference, ultimately also creates accessibility for, among others, participants who are unable to travel to the venue due to physical limitations.
A conference landing page should also be designed to be accessible. For example, the page can be read aloud for people with visual impairments using appropriate plug-ins.
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