E DIN 20539 Translation, interpreting and related technology – Term
This standard is a compilation of those terms that are used in the standards from the field of translation, interpretation and related technology. The focus of the compilation is to reconcile the use of terminology. Some terms encountered in this subject area are referred to differently by practitioners, and although no significant change in these differences is expected in the short term, it is likely that consistent use of terminology through adoption of this vocabulary in related international standards will have a normative effect on the terms used in the long term. For example, in ISO standards, "revision" is the preferred term for the term, which is defined as "review of the entire target language content (...) in comparison with the source language content (...) to ensure linguistic accuracy and fidelity to the source language content." In practice, however, this term is used synonymously as "revision", "editing", "proofreading", and "review", although all of these terms are used to refer to other terms in ISO documents in this subject area.
Comment from PCS
This draft is currently only available in manuscript form. It is quasi defined from the interpreter's point of view, what is interpreting, translating etc. is then also broken down to the technology. We personally call it the "beginner standard”. The interpreter gets the first points of contact with the technology – and for service providers like PCS the insight into the world of interpreters is given.
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