Whispered interpreting
In the case of whispered interpreting (also called Chuchotage, from French: "whisper"). it is a variation of the simultaneous interpretingwhich are mostly carried out without any use of technology or only with the help of a mobile Whispering system is done. When used without technology, interpreters sit next to their listeners and interpret whispering into their ears. A maximum of two listeners can be served here.
In the case of the variant with technology, the small circle of listeners wears a Chin bar receiver, pocket receiver or receiver with hearing loop. The interpreter uses a wireless microphone so that the listeners can hear him. In this case, however, the interpreter does not have the microphone technology to be able to hear the speakers well himself. He is therefore forced to always seek the proximity of the speaker or a loudspeaker.
Application example for whisper without Technique: At a large multilingual conference, there is only one guest speaker from Argentina who does not plan to speak and only wants to follow the content. For reasons of cost, one shies away from renting a Spanish booth here. He gets whispered in his ear.
Application example for whisper with Technique: single or multilingual guided tour of a noisy production or very small seminars with disciplined participants.
Basic disadvantage: Whispering disturbs the other listeners (the interpreters are not sitting in a soundproof booth). Interpreting booth), and speech contributions from the audience can only be consecutive (time-delayed) interpreting.
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