Bosch Dicentis IDESK test report

Published: 06.02.2018
PCS was among the first resellers to test the new Bosch Dicentis IDESK interpreter console in detail. The console is currently in an advanced beta phase, but is already running amazingly well. The developers responsible for the IDESK consoles were also present during the tests. Since we work with interpreting technology on a daily basis, we naturally have a different, much more practice-oriented view of the technology than the developers, who mainly deal with the subject in theory. Many of our comments and ideas were taken on board during the design process and were incorporated directly into the development of the console.
One example of this is the channel-by-channel original sound suppression, which is extremely important for live operation and has not been included in the new IDESK series until now. According to our discussions, it will now presumably be implemented at market launch.
IDESK highlights from the PCS point of view
The new Dicentis-IDESK console seems like the logical evolution of the Bosch DCN-NG-IDESK, the interpreting console we have used most frequently to date. That's what we particularly liked about the new system:
First and foremost, with this new development Bosch is following the new ISO standard on interpreter desks (ISO 20109 from Dec. 2016). and meets all the new standards required there. This pleases us as a technology provider, but certainly even more the interpreters, represented by their associations such as AIIC, BDÜ/VKD as well as simultaneous interpreters of the EU Commission, who all played a major role in the development of the standardization.

Bosch uses standard CAT cables for the Dicentis system and does not use a proprietary system. This keeps the cabling very flexible and the integration into existing networks simple.
Video signals can be routed directly to the interpreting booth via the Dicentis feed line. Presentations or a live camera image, for example, can be transmitted here as desired. The IDESK consoles (in the Dicentis IDESKVID version) have an HDMI output, from where the signal can be played out directly to a display. The interpreters can choose at the console which signal they want to see. This is very practical and convenient, especially since no additional cable has to be laid. In addition, the interpreters themselves have control over what they want to see.
The new recall function makes it possible to listen to the last three seconds of the original sound again. To do this, IDESK automatically records the original sound in a volatile memory. If the speaker's pronunciation was unclear, the interpreter can listen to it again.
The vertical division of the console's control elements has made the user interface very clear. This creates a spatial separation of listening and speaking, which is particularly helpful when the interpreter has to work quickly and does not have to think long before operating the system.
Setting up desks for the next meeting has become even easier thanks to simplified and automated language management. This helps especially when many languages are used.

We did not like it so much
We were not very enthusiastic about the software license model from Bosch. If you want to control the Dicentis system via computer, you have to purchase quite expensive software modules. The licenses are issued on a per-computer basis. This means that I can only control the system with a specific computer and cannot simply activate the license on another computer. This makes daily work with the system much more difficult. Especially when conference technicians want to use different/their own laptops to control the BOSCH systems. Here we hope that Bosch will improve. One possibility would be to be able to unlock licenses online or to work with Donglen. Maybe something will change in this model before the market launch?
Bosch has introduced the new IDESK, a modern interpreter console with great features. It will make the work of interpreters in the booth and conference technicians during installations and live events much easier. For interpreters, the generous screen and the tidy operating concept really make their work easier. The compatibility with DANTE and the use of standard network connections and cables opens up new possibilities in system integration or in the countless temporary rental applications.
We are already looking forward to the first live applications with the new interpreter console. The system will be available from summer 2018. As soon as we find out the exact release date or have news about the system, we will report about it here.
If you still have questions about IDESK or any other system, please feel free to contact us.