We serve all sectors of conference and media technology and are among the market leaders in simultaneous, interpreting and multilingual events.

We always try to satisfy the needs of our customers in the best possible way. Our fair and cooperative approach is the guarantee for your successful project and the strategic basis of our long-term success.


We do not bite. And we don't annoy – well, sometimes we do. Now and then. Rarely. Almost never.


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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.

Air quality in working and learning spaces

luftqualitaet lernen arbeiten jpg - We work and learn indoors. Good indoor air quality is therefore essential for performance, well-being and our health.

Work and learn better in good air

We work and learn indoors. Good indoor air quality is therefore essential for performance, well-being and our health.


We became aware of air quality during our work on DIN standards for interpreting booths. Since then, we have taken these aspects into account in installations and events to promote good working, learning and conferencing.


Carbon dioxide (C02) is the key parameter for air quality. It can be measured easily. The measurement is made in ppm (parts per million, the number stands for 10-6, i.e. for one millionth). For classrooms, this concentration must not exceed 1,000 ppm. We recommend to use these values also for working and events as a basis and to create awareness. Pure window ventilation is usually not sufficient. Ventilation and utilization concepts are necessary, so that investment and operation can be functional, demand-oriented and economical.


Other chemical substances as well as the humidity and dust content of the air also determine the air quality. Sensitivity regarding odor nuisances is increasing. Many are familiar with this issue with carpeting. In the worst case, these carpet adhesives and pollutants, so-called VOC (Volatile Organic Compounds, volatile organic compounds emit). We take this into consideration during procurement and installation to avoid unpleasant odors and vapors, especially with cables from tech equipment.


There are also guideline values for VOC concentrations set by the Federal Environment Agency: In indoor air, values from 1000 µg/m³ are considered hygienically conspicuous.

At a time when we spend more and more time indoors, whether at home, in offices or in educational institutions, it is essential that we become aware of the impact that air quality has on our daily lives.

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We are looking forward to your application!

Just send us a short application by e-mail to: Gunnar Hermenau

Please send us your application as a PDF file. It would be nice to have a short letter of motivation, a CV and – if available – relevant references.

If you have any questions, just contact Gunnar Hermenau at: 030 6959690 14 or by e-mail.