Amendment of the standards for interpreting technology

Published: 19.07.2016
At the moment, the somewhat outdated standards for interpreting booths and the associated conference technology are being amended. At the request of the BDÜ, we at PCS were actively involved in the DIN and ISO committees that set these guidelines at national and international level. We had set ourselves the goal of making the standards as practical as possible and communicating and anchoring the needs of both interpreters and technology rental companies.
We believe that this has been well achieved. There will be the following innovations: From the standards for fixed and portable interpretation booths (ISO 2603 and ISO 4043), the requirements for conference technology will be removed in the future. These will be spun off into a separate standard (ISO 20109), to which the major technology manufacturers in our industry are already aligning themselves. ISO 20108, which is also new, sets the course for professional "remote interpreting", among other things. The standard guarantees interpreters the best audio and video transmission quality for remote interpreting.
If you have any questions or suggestions on this topic, please contact us. We are always happy to have a lively and constructive discussion.